Ancient, Nepal, Kingdom of Kapilavast – King Śuddhodana and his Queen give birth to their firstborn son, Siddhārtha, whose destiny was prophesized at birth to become a great religious monarch. However, if the prophecy became a reality and Siddhārtha was to leave the kingdom, the King would not have an heir to his throne.
Years later, Siddhārtha's obsession with understanding man's suffering and the outside world overtakes him. He leaves the kingdom and all behind to search for the knowledge he seeks. The King decides to father another male child. The Queen obeys the King's wishes and bears not one but two male identical twins. They name the first Bhaskar (Sun) and the second Chandran (Moon). Being the firstborn twin, Bhaskar becomes the crown prince, and Chandran spends his life as the second prince. As the twins mature, Chandran's jealousy and envy toward his brother grows; he becomes obsessed with wanting his brother's power. Finally, with his father's health failing and facing death, Chandran devises a plan. He assassinates his brother, assumes his identity, and he would be crowned King after his father's inevitable demise.
After the unsolved murder of Bhaskar, the King's Seer Astia begins having suspicious thoughts about the Prince. Did Chandran commit an unimaginable and heinous act? Did he murder his brother for power? Astia knows Bhaskar and Chandran better than anyone. Although seemingly identical, Astia is intimately aware of their subtle differences. Astia exposes Chandran, but the King doesn't have the heart to have his remaining son executed. Instead, King Śuddhodana banishes Chandran into the wilderness. Outraged that the King did not have Chandran put to death, Astia takes revenge. He places a death curse on Chandran, calling on the Gods to use the forces of nature to destroy him.
1923 London, England – Oliver Hall is well known for his accomplishments as an explorer and mountaineer. His country faces desperate times, and its leaders look to him to accomplish the impossible. They challenge Hall to make history, assemble a handpicked team, and be the first to summit Mount Everest. Achieving this goal will deliver benefits, instantly transforming him into a worldwide celebrity, immortalized as the greatest mountaineer in history. More importantly to the British Monarchy, his accomplishment promises to boost the country's downtrodden post-war morale.
Hall accepts the challenge. Having agreed, he now faces the most significant challenge of his life. He and his team have been in the Himalayan wilderness for a month, making their way toward Everest. Then, unexpectedly, one of his men, a trusted Nepali porter, vanishes and cannot be found. His whereabouts are unknown, he does not return, and Hall must continue his mission.
In the dead of night, strange howls emanate from the desolate landscape. Hall believes the howling is that of a Himalayan bear, yet his Nepali team's superstitions convince them otherwise. They tell him that the cries come from a Yeti. Bear or Yeti, Hall recognizes that the creature is tracking his group and threatens all safety. Hall posts a sentry to stand guard over the camp during the night while all others sleep. A single shot abruptly wakes everyone; the porter standing guard is nowhere in sight. Then his desperate pleas for help ring out. The men jump into action, following his voice into the darkened void. His cries for help stop, and minutes later, they discover the grizzly scene of his dismantled body.
A week earlier, during the night, while sitting alone by the campfire, Hall senses he is not alone. He sees movement in the treeline. Hall shoots and wounds what he believes is a bear stalking him. The following morning, Hall and his second in command, Jonathan Tolbert, set out and track the wounded animal's blood trail to a remote cave. Tolbert volunteers to enter the cave to kill the animal to end its suffering. When approaching the injured creature in the cave, he realizes what he's facing is not a bear at all but an ape-like humanoid. The desperate beast instinctually reacts and lunges. Tolbert opens fire and kills it. In his panic to exit the cave, he trips, falls to the ground, and notices what appears to be an ancient relic, a partially buried inscribed stone tablet, and leaves the cave with the tablet in his possession. The tablet could be an invaluable artifact, and Hall decides it will return to London for study after completing the expedition. The head Sherpa examines the stone to attempt a translation of its engraved text. He confirms the tablet is indeed a relic. He recognizes only a few ancient Sanskrit words but surmises it as a death curse.
Cursed Deeds of Man's Ancient Past Resurrected – After the unexplained disappearance of one of their porters and the grizzly death of another, the mounting evidence comes into view. The Nepali guides voicing superstitious beliefs make their situation impossible to ignore. Hall and Tolbert trace their footsteps and actions and hypothesize a frightening scenario. After discovering an inscribed ancient stone tablet, they believe they have inadvertently conjured the dark past, resurrecting an ancient Nepali curse. This supernatural reality jeopardizes their mission to summit Mount Everest and threatens their lives.
To succeed and accomplish their goal, they must focus their minds on only two things: survive and reach the mountain's summit. Then, they must find a way to combat and overcome the creature that has killed their men and is now hunting them.
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